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Innovative School of Performing Arts (ISPA)
Foundation music education program provides an opportunity for individuals to participate in constructive music and dance instruction classes. During out of school time, participants interact with the best instructors that Washington, D.C. has to offer. ISPA brings positive energy, excitement, fun and education through the arts.
The ISPA curriculum:
The ISPA curriculum is designed to give participants a review of basic educational and life skills through performing instruction. Strong efforts are made to ensure each session theme has some degree of core subject (mathematics, language, arts, science, social studies) instruction that is imbedded with healthy lifestyles in the instruction. The leaders of this innovative school provide positive role models, a safe environment, mentorship and a creative outlet that participants may not otherwise have. Throughout the year, ISPA invites music industry personalities who demonstrate positive citizenship. These special invited guests share personal and professional experiences, and provide guidance to aspiring musicians.
Our program focus is to:
Properly teach participants in music theory, performance delivery, and vocal training through performance arts instruction.
Use the arts as another vehicle to develop confidence, discipline, and courage. Through hard work and proper studies combined with arts education, participants lives are enriched, encouraging youth to attend and graduate from college.Instill commitment to their goals and bring an innovative curriculum presented by experienced talented musicians.